
    the sound affect here means Satoru's aggressively petting Megumi, just like how you'd rubbing your pets to annoying them/get their attention lol

    the sound affect here means Satoru's aggressively petting Megumi, just like how you'd rubbing your pets to annoying them/get their attention lol

    Apparently here the passerby's talking in a regional language from central/west part of Japan, ie. not how ppl speak around Tokyo That tells us gfs are out of province, somewhere far-far away from home Good job with all the little details Gege😇

    Apparently here the passerby's talking in a regional language from central/west part of Japan, ie. not how ppl speak around Tokyo
That tells us gfs are out of province, somewhere far-far away from home
Good job with all the little details Gege😇

    Here, better translation: You might become popular? So he's not just saying "She", but also others, someone else might easily fall for Megumi (are you saying "'I' might fall for you" :D?)

    Here, better translation: You might become popular?
So he's not just saying "She", but also others, someone else might easily fall for Megumi 

(are you saying "'I' might fall for you" :D?)
    Here, better translation: You might become popular?
So he's not just saying "She", but also others, someone else might easily fall for Megumi 

(are you saying "'I' might fall for you" :D?)

    " It is all fate. I always believe, that one day we will meet again. Little by little In order to become someone that's worthy to stand by your side- " Note the background is Gojo and Megumi (Maybe, it's also something Megumi wants to tell Gojo)

It is all fate.
I always believe, that one day we will meet again.
Little by little
In order to become someone that's worthy to stand by your side-

Note the background is Gojo and Megumi
(Maybe, it's also something Megumi wants to tell Gojo)

    Annnd here, the original text is "無ー視ーすーんーなーよー" note the ーs, basically Satoru is stretching out every single word when he speaks. Super cute lol Satoru's the jealousy type from the beginning humm

    Annnd here, the original text is "無ー視ーすーんーなーよー"
note the ーs, basically Satoru is stretching out every single word when he speaks. Super cute lol
Satoru's the jealousy type from the beginning humm
    Annnd here, the original text is "無ー視ーすーんーなーよー"
note the ーs, basically Satoru is stretching out every single word when he speaks. Super cute lol
Satoru's the jealousy type from the beginning humm

