This idiot genius can figure out data worlds and the time travel gimmick if he was aware of them and really wanted to But give him a flower or show him some blatant interest/affection and it'll just go right over his head and he'll take it as "oh they're nice"

    This idiot genius can figure out data worlds and the time travel gimmick if he was aware of them and really wanted to
But give him a flower or show him some blatant interest/affection and it'll just go right over his head and he'll take it as "oh they're nice"

    Basically, if a subject really interests him, he will deep dive into it until he can decipher and learn every little detail about it He just thinks the concepts of worlds and lore is neat

    Basically, if a subject really interests him, he will deep dive into it until he can decipher and learn every little detail about it
He just thinks the concepts of worlds and lore is neat

    The same goes for him. Same exact person, just at different points in time.

    The same goes for him.
Same exact person, just at different points in time.
    The same goes for him.
Same exact person, just at different points in time.

    Taking little commissions! Because I really really really want to buy fandom merch. I will plushify the hell out of the character(s) of your choice. Taking 5 slots for now uwu -IF THIS GETS NOTHING. PRETEND YOU SAW NOTHING.

    Taking little commissions!
Because I really really really want to buy fandom merch.
I will plushify the hell out of the character(s) of your choice.
Taking 5 slots for now uwu

    My brain: Hey do you hate yourself? Do you wanna try something more frustrating than keyblade-designing? Lets design a KH world Me, a fool: OKAY!

    My brain: Hey do you hate yourself? Do you wanna try something more frustrating than keyblade-designing? Lets design a KH world

Me, a fool: OKAY!
    My brain: Hey do you hate yourself? Do you wanna try something more frustrating than keyblade-designing? Lets design a KH world

Me, a fool: OKAY!
    My brain: Hey do you hate yourself? Do you wanna try something more frustrating than keyblade-designing? Lets design a KH world

Me, a fool: OKAY!

