12) Well- You couldsay this was the start of his narcissism. But really he just liked being given some trait that's totally unrelated to the keyblade

    12) Well-
You couldsay this was the start of his narcissism. But really he just liked being given some trait that's totally unrelated to the keyblade

    16) Due to just about everything about him being fake, anything he decides to reveal can be a little surprising. Also how many would have believed the bright, sparkly leader had a magikarp phase Worth noting that despite how much he flirts, he has never even kissed a person

    16) Due to just about everything about him being fake, anything he decides to reveal can be a little surprising.
Also how many would have believed the bright, sparkly leader had a magikarp phase
Worth noting that despite how much he flirts, he has never even kissed a person

    Figured I should draw more with the pencil to loosen up and not go rusty during art break 👁

    Figured I should draw more with the pencil to loosen up and not go rusty during art break 👁

    Today's pencil scribble dump I didn't have as much time to scribble around u_u💦

    Today's pencil scribble dump
I didn't have as much time to scribble around u_u💦

    Today's light pencil doodle dump

    Today's light pencil doodle dump

