16) Due to just about everything about him being fake, anything he decides to reveal can be a little surprising. Also how many would have believed the bright, sparkly leader had a magikarp phase Worth noting that despite how much he flirts, he has never even kissed a person

    16) Due to just about everything about him being fake, anything he decides to reveal can be a little surprising.
Also how many would have believed the bright, sparkly leader had a magikarp phase
Worth noting that despite how much he flirts, he has never even kissed a person

    Figured I should draw more with the pencil to loosen up and not go rusty during art break 👁

    Figured I should draw more with the pencil to loosen up and not go rusty during art break 👁

    Today's pencil scribble dump I didn't have as much time to scribble around u_u💦

    Today's pencil scribble dump
I didn't have as much time to scribble around u_u💦

    Today's light pencil doodle dump

    Today's light pencil doodle dump

    I can always manage to make prologues and nothing else I'm just glad I managed to finish scribbling this together before lunch

    I can always manage to make prologues and nothing else
I'm just glad I managed to finish scribbling this together before lunch

