idek what to caption this as I just wanted to meme and bully an OC #KHOC #KingdomHeartsOC #KingdomHearts #OC

    idek what to caption this as
I just wanted to meme and bully an OC
#KHOC #KingdomHeartsOC #KingdomHearts #OC

    I wanted to hold off on posting until I got at least 2 pages done since this is starting to feel like it's running long I'm sorry if it gets hard to read u_u;;; it's hard fitting dialogue into bubbles so it got squashed and smudgey on some bits The chapter is almost over

    I wanted to hold off on posting until I got at least 2 pages done since this is starting to feel like it's running long
I'm sorry if it gets hard to read u_u;;; it's hard fitting dialogue into bubbles so it got squashed and smudgey on some bits
The chapter is almost over
    I wanted to hold off on posting until I got at least 2 pages done since this is starting to feel like it's running long
I'm sorry if it gets hard to read u_u;;; it's hard fitting dialogue into bubbles so it got squashed and smudgey on some bits
The chapter is almost over

    Accessories concept and height scribbling

    Accessories concept and height scribbling

    His face gets softer and more innocent each time I draw him

    His face gets softer and more innocent each time I draw him

    I'll be done in about a page or two- The amount of times I rewrote the set up of the scenario for this and the last few pages in my head is so unreal

    I'll be done in about a page or two-
The amount of times I rewrote the set up of the scenario for this and the last few pages in my head is so unreal

