Emirichu 🍓@EmirichuYT

    https://t.co/LzDVZvNTyT New video up! Sometimes I get tired of drawing myself over and over again so it felt nice to work on this! Big thank you to @katherinelynnro for letting me use her original ATLA musical numbers! She's unbelievably talented, check out her tiktok/youtube!~


New video up!
Sometimes I get tired of drawing myself over and over again so it felt nice to work on this!

Big thank you to @katherinelynnro for letting me use her original ATLA musical numbers! She's unbelievably talented, check out her tiktok/youtube!~
    Emirichu 🍓@EmirichuYT

    Atticus Finch had no right being this fine on the projector in front of me and my 9th grade English class

    Atticus Finch had no right being this fine on the projector in front of me and my 9th grade English class
    Emirichu 🍓@EmirichuYT

    drew us as animals representing our romance anime preferences who resonates with you the most?

    drew us as animals representing our romance anime preferences 
who resonates with you the most?
    drew us as animals representing our romance anime preferences 
who resonates with you the most?
    drew us as animals representing our romance anime preferences 
who resonates with you the most?
    Emirichu 🍓@EmirichuYT

    oh how the tables have turned

    oh how the tables have turned
    oh how the tables have turned
    oh how the tables have turned
    Emirichu 🍓@EmirichuYT

    one of the perks of having roommates is using them for 2-person pose references for drawings when I can't find the perfect stock photo ?

    one of the perks of having roommates is using them for 2-person pose references for drawings when I can't find the perfect stock photo ?