Emirichu 🍓@EmirichuYT

    bullied-at-school-desk-vandalism energy but make it wholesome

    bullied-at-school-desk-vandalism energy but make it wholesome
    Emirichu 🍓@EmirichuYT

    @ comments that kept telling me I was pronouncing Ghibli wrong like "it's gib-li not jib-li" IT'S SPELLED/READ LIKE "JIB-LI" HERE SO WHAT SAY YOU NOW? 😤

    @ comments that kept telling me I was pronouncing Ghibli wrong like "it's gib-li not jib-li" IT'S SPELLED/READ LIKE "JIB-LI" HERE SO WHAT SAY YOU NOW? 😤
    Emirichu 🍓@EmirichuYT

    This Thursday I'll be playing Chocolate Pictionary with @Daidus_OTL on my twitch for a Valentines Day themed stream! Chat controls what we draw and we can only use chocolate as our drawing tools! 🍫 https://t.co/MKv3Scxb0F

    This Thursday I'll be playing Chocolate Pictionary with @Daidus_OTL on my twitch for a Valentines Day themed stream! Chat controls what we draw and we can only use chocolate as our drawing tools! 🍫
    Emirichu 🍓@EmirichuYT

    GeeXplus perks: FREE MANGA BABY WOOHOO

    GeeXplus perks: FREE MANGA BABY WOOHOO
    Emirichu 🍓@EmirichuYT

    Yotsuba&! exhibit at tokiwaso manga museum 🍀

    Yotsuba&! exhibit at tokiwaso manga museum 🍀
    Yotsuba&! exhibit at tokiwaso manga museum 🍀
    Yotsuba&! exhibit at tokiwaso manga museum 🍀
    Yotsuba&! exhibit at tokiwaso manga museum 🍀