the original

    the original



    "This MF eatin beans" #dbspoilers

    "This MF eatin beans" #dbspoilers

    Sketches from 9/30/21 Today was LEAGUES better than last Thursday, took care of some banking stuff between classes, then got a wrap for lunch. It was Vegan Buffalo Cauliflower, it was okay but I also got fries and a pudding cup. Also I got a smaller sketch book for Sociology

    Sketches from 9/30/21

Today was LEAGUES better than last Thursday, took care of some banking stuff between classes, then got a wrap for lunch. It was Vegan Buffalo Cauliflower, it was okay but I also got fries and a pudding cup. Also I got a smaller sketch book for Sociology
    Sketches from 9/30/21

Today was LEAGUES better than last Thursday, took care of some banking stuff between classes, then got a wrap for lunch. It was Vegan Buffalo Cauliflower, it was okay but I also got fries and a pudding cup. Also I got a smaller sketch book for Sociology

    Sketches from 10/4/21 Forgot my main eraser so I didn't wanna try anything too big today. I practiced some heads along with some more realistic facial features, taking note of some of the more DB-esque traits I still used in the last one, like the chin.

    Sketches from 10/4/21

Forgot my main eraser so I didn't wanna try anything too big today. I practiced some heads along with some more realistic facial features, taking note of some of the more DB-esque traits I still used in the last one, like the chin.
    Sketches from 10/4/21

Forgot my main eraser so I didn't wanna try anything too big today. I practiced some heads along with some more realistic facial features, taking note of some of the more DB-esque traits I still used in the last one, like the chin.
    Sketches from 10/4/21

Forgot my main eraser so I didn't wanna try anything too big today. I practiced some heads along with some more realistic facial features, taking note of some of the more DB-esque traits I still used in the last one, like the chin.