Vergil's Motivational Life #47 #DMC5 #DevilMayCry5

    Vergil's Motivational Life #47
#DMC5 #DevilMayCry5

    Last one for awhile, back to games and thinking up more content xD; Vergil's Motivational Life #48 #DMC5 #DevilMayCry5

    Last one for awhile, back to games and thinking up more content xD;

Vergil's Motivational Life #48
#DMC5 #DevilMayCry5

    #フォロワーさんの推しが描きたい Template from @nuno_nunosi I'll do 2 versions, followers request a character you want to see in my style :D One for FE3H (no timeskip design except lords), and one from other game/anime. Please state as 'name' from 'series' thank you!!!

Template from @nuno_nunosi 

I'll do 2 versions, followers request a character you want to see in my style :D One for FE3H (no timeskip design except lords), and one from other game/anime. Please state as 'name' from 'series' thank you!!!

    #フォロワーさんの推しが描きたい Game/Anime edition

Game/Anime edition

    Vergil's Motivational Life BONUS#03 ...Vergil gets the last laugh 🥲 #DMC5 #SmashBros

    Vergil's Motivational Life BONUS#03
...Vergil gets the last laugh 🥲

#DMC5 #SmashBros