JUN MOVED !@prevjunllyfish

    @8thHarbinger -- utahime iori

    @8thHarbinger -- utahime iori
    @8thHarbinger -- utahime iori
    JUN MOVED !@prevjunllyfish

    @scaratwt -- geto suguru

    @scaratwt -- geto suguru
    @scaratwt -- geto suguru
    JUN MOVED !@prevjunllyfish

    the old lingo of tumblr / twitter made me lose it at this one panel for no reason

    the old lingo of tumblr / twitter made me lose it at this one panel for no reason
    JUN MOVED !@prevjunllyfish

    . https://t.co/NuwhJymxf3

    . https://t.co/NuwhJymxf3
    . https://t.co/NuwhJymxf3
    JUN MOVED !@prevjunllyfish

    i don't care if this has been done already. i opened 5 tabs to make this post and i will stick by it

    i don't care if this has been done already. i opened 5 tabs to make this post and i will stick by it
    i don't care if this has been done already. i opened 5 tabs to make this post and i will stick by it
    i don't care if this has been done already. i opened 5 tabs to make this post and i will stick by it
    i don't care if this has been done already. i opened 5 tabs to make this post and i will stick by it