2018's art summary .. I uh... hmm... What can I learn from this... It's more colorful than I imagined it'd be?;

    2018's art summary ..
I uh... hmm...
What can I learn from this...
It's more colorful than I imagined it'd be?;

    oh yeah today was hourly comic day; this life is exciting @AlpacaCarlesi makes me happy

    oh yeah today was hourly comic day; 
this life is exciting 
@AlpacaCarlesi makes me happy

    Updating Amissio, chapter 3! After a couple of months of waiting I'm gonna be updating on tapas again! ?? https://t.co/a3Ig56Sb4l

    Updating Amissio, chapter 3!
After a couple of months of waiting I'm gonna be updating on tapas again! ??

    I may be still overseas but Amissio is still going on ! https://t.co/EaKFgwLIp6

    I may be still overseas but Amissio is still going on ! https://t.co/EaKFgwLIp6

    I've been somewhat MIA due to recent events but, here's an update on Amissio! https://t.co/6STol5wOGt it had been a while, but it's about time to check on Aria, Nicholas and Merfie ♪

    I've been somewhat MIA due to recent events but, here's an update on Amissio!
https://t.co/6STol5wOGt it had been a while, but it's about time to check on Aria, Nicholas and Merfie ♪

