Leslie Hung@lesliehung


    Leslie Hung@lesliehung

    On a similar note, one of my favorite examples of simply applied tones to suggest volume are from Kyoko Okazaki (this specific example is from PINK, a v good comic if you haven't already read it)

    On a similar note, one of my favorite examples of simply applied tones to suggest volume are from Kyoko Okazaki (this specific example is from PINK, a v good comic if you haven't already read it)
    Leslie Hung@lesliehung

    I like the marching band clown

    I like the marching band clown
    I like the marching band clown
    Leslie Hung@lesliehung

    Bright eyes ? for the Line Weight show at @gallerynucleus

    Bright eyes ? for the Line Weight show at @gallerynucleus
    Leslie Hung@lesliehung

    BTS of the new #snotgirl poster that comes with the B&N special edition of volume 2

    BTS of the new #snotgirl poster that comes with the B&N special edition of volume 2
    BTS of the new #snotgirl poster that comes with the B&N special edition of volume 2