
    Testing out a quasi pencil brush. Up until now I've been drawing pretty slow using the same inking brush for everything so I made this brush to see if it's faster to sketch with. Nope, turned out the problem was between the tablet and the chair.

    Testing out a quasi pencil brush.  Up until now I've been drawing pretty slow using the same inking brush for everything so I made this brush to see if it's faster to sketch with. 
Nope, turned out the problem was between the tablet and the chair.
    Testing out a quasi pencil brush.  Up until now I've been drawing pretty slow using the same inking brush for everything so I made this brush to see if it's faster to sketch with. 
Nope, turned out the problem was between the tablet and the chair.
    Testing out a quasi pencil brush.  Up until now I've been drawing pretty slow using the same inking brush for everything so I made this brush to see if it's faster to sketch with. 
Nope, turned out the problem was between the tablet and the chair.

    I don't remember why I didn't post the rest of these, I still really like them. [1/2]

    I don't remember why I didn't post the rest of these, I still really like them.
    I don't remember why I didn't post the rest of these, I still really like them.
    I don't remember why I didn't post the rest of these, I still really like them.

    Maybe I'll continue the story at next year's mermay even though these are only barely mermaid related lol [2/2]

    Maybe I'll continue the story at next year's mermay even though these are only barely mermaid related lol
    Maybe I'll continue the story at next year's mermay even though these are only barely mermaid related lol

    I fixed the moire on the halftones cause it was really bothering me.

    I fixed the moire on the halftones cause it was really bothering me.

    how it feels like when i try to draw backgrounds for comics

    how it feels like when i try to draw backgrounds for comics