
    Just realise I never posted this sketches of Gertrude Really like this baddass woman ?✨ #themagnusarchives

    Just realise I never posted this sketches of Gertrude 
Really like this baddass woman ?✨
    Just realise I never posted this sketches of Gertrude 
Really like this baddass woman ?✨
    Just realise I never posted this sketches of Gertrude 
Really like this baddass woman ?✨

    doing messy sketches that doesn't come from nowhere ✨ #sketch #sketchbook #spooky #monster

    doing messy sketches that doesn't come from nowhere ✨
#sketch #sketchbook #spooky #monster

    I HAVE BEEN TAGGED A SECOND TIME So here is what I haven't posted last time just so I can tag more peoples hihi Thank you @EmmySoterel ? I tag @hakunette @spidertams @Komaetoile @Agent00DICE @FeeReroo @bernie__machado ✨

    I HAVE BEEN TAGGED A SECOND TIME So here is what I haven't posted last time just so I can tag more peoples hihi
Thank you @EmmySoterel ?

I tag @hakunette @spidertams @Komaetoile @Agent00DICE @FeeReroo @bernie__machado ✨
    I HAVE BEEN TAGGED A SECOND TIME So here is what I haven't posted last time just so I can tag more peoples hihi
Thank you @EmmySoterel ?

I tag @hakunette @spidertams @Komaetoile @Agent00DICE @FeeReroo @bernie__machado ✨
    I HAVE BEEN TAGGED A SECOND TIME So here is what I haven't posted last time just so I can tag more peoples hihi
Thank you @EmmySoterel ?

I tag @hakunette @spidertams @Komaetoile @Agent00DICE @FeeReroo @bernie__machado ✨
    I HAVE BEEN TAGGED A SECOND TIME So here is what I haven't posted last time just so I can tag more peoples hihi
Thank you @EmmySoterel ?

I tag @hakunette @spidertams @Komaetoile @Agent00DICE @FeeReroo @bernie__machado ✨

    Behold A preview Maybe one day for a Lino

A preview

Maybe one day for a Lino
A preview

Maybe one day for a Lino

    I've got carried away while drawing some #MagnusPod fanarts and now I can't sleep cuz I'm too excited about it ( Also I'm listening again from the beginning and it's amazing )

    I've got carried away while drawing some #MagnusPod fanarts and now I can't sleep cuz I'm too excited about it 
( Also I'm listening again from the beginning and it's amazing )

