moral orelllll digital vs sketchbook. i lost some of his cuteness while making it digital -_-.... #moralorel

    moral orelllll digital vs sketchbook. i lost some of his cuteness while making it digital -_-.... #moralorel
    moral orelllll digital vs sketchbook. i lost some of his cuteness while making it digital -_-.... #moralorel



    the 2021 art summary 🌈✨👍 all over the place but i drew some neat stuff #win

    the 2021 art summary 🌈✨👍
all over the place but i drew some neat stuff #win

    i loooove red fraggle she is so rude and snappy to everyone but also extremely clingy/needy and always needing to be validated. i love this animal!!!

    i loooove red fraggle she is so rude and snappy to everyone but also extremely clingy/needy and always needing to be validated. i love this animal!!!

    my wrist is hurty. this is not. good. how can this be happening!

    my wrist is hurty. this is not. good. how can this be happening!
    my wrist is hurty. this is not. good. how can this be happening!