𝐓 𝐄 𝐀@teaffeine

    at last. finally working on a new adopt #wip . a visual kei moth boy. he's based on a lymantriine moth :3c (I know all my chars have pointy nails but can I really be blamed?)

    at last. finally working on a new adopt #wip .
a visual kei moth boy. he's based on a lymantriine moth :3c (I know all my chars have pointy nails but can I really be blamed?)
    𝐓 𝐄 𝐀@teaffeine

    he's a celebrity ✋😔 more mothboy #wip (lil extra piece to go with the main)

    he's a celebrity ✋😔

more mothboy #wip
(lil extra piece to go with the main)
    𝐓 𝐄 𝐀@teaffeine

    A bit slow at the start of the yr but pretty happy with the second half roundup ♪('▽`) I was able to scrounge up more than I expected tbh. #2021artsummary

    A bit slow at the start of the yr but pretty happy with the second half roundup ♪('▽`) I was able to scrounge up more than I expected tbh. #2021artsummary
    𝐓 𝐄 𝐀@teaffeine

    *me typing that horseshit*

    *me typing that horseshit*
    𝐓 𝐄 𝐀@teaffeine

    my last commission of 2022 🤍

    my last commission of 2022 🤍

