
    Pumpkin is abt to molt in few days so no photos, but their nest is interesting so I did a quick sketch as a record

    Pumpkin is abt to molt in few days so no photos, but their nest is interesting so I did a quick sketch as a record



    #HHOC Sto as a chibi-chan! (She's an orphan and lived in slum before she grew up) the typical life of a low class demon lol

Sto as a chibi-chan! 
(She's an orphan and lived in slum before she grew up)
the typical life of a low class demon lol

    my oldest OC(also my icon) "The Astronaut" It's a kind of alien creature that lives in the corpse of an astronaut. They keep wandering around on different planet and the story abt them is more like a record of their endless journey.

    my oldest OC(also my icon)
"The Astronaut"
It's a kind of alien creature that lives in the corpse of an astronaut.
They keep wandering around on different planet and the story abt them is more like a record of their endless journey.
    my oldest OC(also my icon)
"The Astronaut"
It's a kind of alien creature that lives in the corpse of an astronaut.
They keep wandering around on different planet and the story abt them is more like a record of their endless journey.
    my oldest OC(also my icon)
"The Astronaut"
It's a kind of alien creature that lives in the corpse of an astronaut.
They keep wandering around on different planet and the story abt them is more like a record of their endless journey.
    my oldest OC(also my icon)
"The Astronaut"
It's a kind of alien creature that lives in the corpse of an astronaut.
They keep wandering around on different planet and the story abt them is more like a record of their endless journey.

    #Pokemon log02 Some ghost types ?

    #Pokemon log02
Some ghost types ?