Beany Tuesday@beanytuesday

    What centrists see whenever Bernie speaks at a slightly above average volume

    What centrists see whenever Bernie speaks at a slightly above average volume
    Beany Tuesday@beanytuesday

    Bernie talking to the DNC

    Bernie talking to the DNC
    Beany Tuesday@beanytuesday

    Queer Representation at Disney

    Queer Representation at Disney
    Queer Representation at Disney
    Queer Representation at Disney
    Queer Representation at Disney
    Beany Tuesday@beanytuesday

    trying to improve the cartoony artstyle I use for most comics. some may notice the jonni phillips influence

    trying to improve the cartoony artstyle I use for most comics. some may notice the jonni phillips influence
    Beany Tuesday@beanytuesday

    Extremely dumb idea I had for 2 characters

    Extremely dumb idea I had for 2 characters
    Extremely dumb idea I had for 2 characters