Beany Tuesday@beanytuesday

    Sorry this one is mostly rambling about my design thoughts! Feel free to skip. [2/]2

    Sorry this one is mostly rambling about my design thoughts! Feel free to skip. [2/]2
    Beany Tuesday@beanytuesday

    I don't follow competitive street fighter closely anymore but I still like watching Daigo's streams because he's always saying cryptic shit like this

    I don't follow competitive street fighter closely anymore but I still like watching Daigo's streams because he's always saying cryptic shit like this
    Beany Tuesday@beanytuesday

    Ancient Greek YouTube

    Ancient Greek YouTube
    Ancient Greek YouTube
    Beany Tuesday@beanytuesday

    Since I'm now a 30k follower big shitter, a quick PSA for all the ladies out there... 1. Yes I'm single ? 2. Yes I sleep in a sleeping bag? 3. Yes I only own one ?

    Since I'm now a 30k follower big shitter, a quick PSA for all the ladies out there...
1. Yes I'm single ? 
2. Yes I sleep in a sleeping bag?
3. Yes I only own one ?
    Since I'm now a 30k follower big shitter, a quick PSA for all the ladies out there...
1. Yes I'm single ? 
2. Yes I sleep in a sleeping bag?
3. Yes I only own one ?
    Beany Tuesday@beanytuesday

    >>>>My Hero Academia Spoilers<<<<

    >>>>My Hero Academia Spoilers<<<<
    >>>>My Hero Academia Spoilers<<<<
    >>>>My Hero Academia Spoilers<<<<
    >>>>My Hero Academia Spoilers<<<<