alix ༄@windastur

    gallirei doodles

    gallirei doodles
    gallirei doodles
    alix ༄@windastur

    WIP - them........

    WIP - them........
    alix ༄@windastur

    kisses for the birthday jean ???

    kisses for the birthday jean ???
    kisses for the birthday jean ???
    kisses for the birthday jean ???
    kisses for the birthday jean ???
    alix ༄@windastur

    thanks for all your suggestions! hope you enjoy these crack ships ??

    thanks for all your suggestions! hope you enjoy these crack ships ??
    alix ༄@windastur

    #aot139spoilers armin living as isayama's conscience, allowing him to expresses that he knows what eren is saying is bs and what he's doing to mikasa is bs but doing it anyway

armin living as isayama's conscience, allowing him to expresses that he knows what eren is saying is bs and what he's doing to mikasa is bs but doing it anyway