I'll be back on con prepping soon, this is a #E66AU I thought about on my free time. ? It grew from my dropout!Lance idea and have tight binds on me now.

    I'll be back on con prepping soon, this is a #E66AU I thought about on my free time. ? It grew from my dropout!Lance idea and have tight binds on me now.

    Face studies on these three adopted children #SekiroFanArt

    Face studies on these three adopted children #SekiroFanArt

    Also, them, but their hair length switched and Lance's hair grows curly like his mom and siblings' do lol

    Also, them, but their hair length switched and Lance's hair grows curly like his mom and siblings' do lol

    Keith brings Lance out with an excuse to help him buy a new jacket since he outgrows his old one. It's actually to cheer Lance up. Also Keith still buys at least 3 cropped jackets when they are done.

    Keith brings Lance out with an excuse to help him buy a new jacket since he outgrows his old one. It's actually to cheer Lance up.

Also Keith still buys at least 3 cropped jackets when they are done.

    Floating heads; at first studies to draw Keith, lance, allura n lotor. Then decided to sketch others. I'm..still undecided how shld I draw Allura

    Floating heads; at first studies to draw Keith, lance, allura n lotor. Then decided to sketch others.
I'm..still undecided how shld I draw Allura