Max Dunbar@Max_Dunbar

    Sol'kanar the Swamp King for Dragon+ Magazine- Link for NPC stats, lore & to add him to your D&D game here: From @adamofadventure & Myself! #dnd

    Sol'kanar the Swamp King for Dragon+ Magazine-
Link for NPC stats, lore & to add him to your D&D game here: 
From @adamofadventure & Myself! #dnd
    Max Dunbar@Max_Dunbar

    Sivitri Scarzam for Dragon+ Magazine from @adamofadventure & myself- add her as an NPC to your D&D game with stats, lore & items here: #dnd #MTG

    Sivitri Scarzam for Dragon+ Magazine from @adamofadventure & myself-
add her as an NPC to your D&D game with stats, lore & items here: #dnd #MTG
    Max Dunbar@Max_Dunbar

    Batman Beyond NEO YEAR #1 DPS process FOC: This Week - IN STORE: April 5th colors by the amazing @SebastianArtist #makingcomics

    Batman Beyond NEO YEAR #1 DPS process
FOC: This Week - IN STORE: April 5th
colors by the amazing @SebastianArtist #makingcomics
    Batman Beyond NEO YEAR #1 DPS process
FOC: This Week - IN STORE: April 5th
colors by the amazing @SebastianArtist #makingcomics
    Batman Beyond NEO YEAR #1 DPS process
FOC: This Week - IN STORE: April 5th
colors by the amazing @SebastianArtist #makingcomics
    Max Dunbar@Max_Dunbar

    Dragon designed for @reapermini's Kickstarter -Back here so we can unlock it!- Also did some other designs, I'll reveal those when they're about to be unlocked!

    Dragon designed for @reapermini's Kickstarter
-Back here so we can unlock it!-
Also did some other designs, I'll reveal those when they're about to be unlocked!
    Dragon designed for @reapermini's Kickstarter
-Back here so we can unlock it!-
Also did some other designs, I'll reveal those when they're about to be unlocked!
    Dragon designed for @reapermini's Kickstarter
-Back here so we can unlock it!-
Also did some other designs, I'll reveal those when they're about to be unlocked!
    Max Dunbar@Max_Dunbar

    Selling some Batman Beyond: Neo Year #1 pages today around noon PT on my web store. Hope you get a chance to check them out!

    Selling some Batman Beyond: Neo Year #1 pages today around noon PT on my web store. Hope you get a chance to check them out!