
    more doggers

    more doggers

    @yiffpolice i look like this with a baseball hat, but i embrace and cherish it

    @yiffpolice i look like this with a baseball hat, but i embrace and cherish it

    "the tiny world of dot" was an idea for a game i had almost four years ago now, it revolved around the eyeliner and leather boot wearing dot, who would roll around on tiny planets in order to save the day from boof, dots evil nerdy brother (not shown).

    "the tiny world of dot" was an idea for a game i had almost four years ago now, it revolved around the eyeliner and leather boot wearing dot, who would roll around on tiny planets in order to save the day from boof, dots evil nerdy brother (not shown).
    "the tiny world of dot" was an idea for a game i had almost four years ago now, it revolved around the eyeliner and leather boot wearing dot, who would roll around on tiny planets in order to save the day from boof, dots evil nerdy brother (not shown).
    "the tiny world of dot" was an idea for a game i had almost four years ago now, it revolved around the eyeliner and leather boot wearing dot, who would roll around on tiny planets in order to save the day from boof, dots evil nerdy brother (not shown).
    "the tiny world of dot" was an idea for a game i had almost four years ago now, it revolved around the eyeliner and leather boot wearing dot, who would roll around on tiny planets in order to save the day from boof, dots evil nerdy brother (not shown).

    @nickybonestein bonebert.... i cannot watch this tyranny......come my creatures...oppose the forces of evil..

    @nickybonestein bonebert.... i cannot watch this tyranny......come my creatures...oppose the forces of evil..

    @nickybonestein its on then...

    @nickybonestein its on then...