( Very, very old art, the thread ) No new art today, so i'll post my old art from 2010 - 2019. First we have pokemon (it has a big impact on me ;;;) I made a lot of Fakemons back then, and tons of OC came along with it
Naruto (around 2013 - 2015) I was a huge Uchiha brothers simp- The first self insert Naruto OC is named Sakuya (๑•﹏•)
Touhou. I began playing Touhou since 2014. Sakuya and Byakuren were my fav characters. I didn't own a drawing tablet until 2016, so most of these are traditional drawings (• ▽ •;)
Jojo (2017-2019) Jojo had a MASSIVE impact on my drawing back then. I scraped all of my former artstyle just to learn after Araki's style. It was frustrating, but also very exciting. I had a huge crush on Hot Pants
Tekken (2019 - now) I had no idea why i would be interested in fighting game one day. But well, it's the initial base of everything you've seen on my timeline today