megaten wacky races AU *I lost my drawings (I didn't save it to conserve HDD space), all I could salvage is the low quality JPEG from my tumblr U__U

    megaten wacky races AU

*I lost my drawings (I didn't save it to conserve HDD space), all I could salvage is the low quality JPEG from my tumblr U__U
    megaten wacky races AU

*I lost my drawings (I didn't save it to conserve HDD space), all I could salvage is the low quality JPEG from my tumblr U__U


    I "could" make the double pages, however I had to use the spread "cover" instead of pages (and ye I already checked the auto page rendition to spread) however, it won't appear on preview (I already saved it btw) :(

    I "could" make the double pages, however I had to use the spread "cover" instead of pages (and ye I already checked the auto page rendition to spread)

however, it won't appear on preview (I already saved it btw) :(
    I "could" make the double pages, however I had to use the spread "cover" instead of pages (and ye I already checked the auto page rendition to spread)

however, it won't appear on preview (I already saved it btw) :(
    I "could" make the double pages, however I had to use the spread "cover" instead of pages (and ye I already checked the auto page rendition to spread)

however, it won't appear on preview (I already saved it btw) :(

    preview for the spread page of the april fools project doujinshi (yeah I'd call it ram ranch 0083 : stardust memory X)

    preview for the spread page of the april fools project doujinshi

(yeah I'd call it ram ranch 0083 : stardust memory X)

    I'm awkward at drawing action LMAO

    I'm awkward at drawing action LMAO