David Blatt@KOPF_STOFF

    For the next piece I continue with a story I started in 2017. I am lagging behind right now, but it's so worth it. I think what I love most about #Inktober is that I start taking the time to create my own worlds. ❤️

    For the next piece I continue with a story I started in 2017. I am lagging behind right now, but it's so worth it. I think what I love most about #Inktober is that I start taking the time to create my own worlds. ❤️
    For the next piece I continue with a story I started in 2017. I am lagging behind right now, but it's so worth it. I think what I love most about #Inktober is that I start taking the time to create my own worlds. ❤️
    David Blatt@KOPF_STOFF

    going to add some colour and text to this #propaganda piece after #inktober2020 is done I think. I have returned to a world I created in 2017. feels good to touch that topic again. #inktober2020day4 #Inktober #Radio #Inktober #inktoberday4 ??

    going to add some colour and text to this #propaganda piece after #inktober2020 is done I think. I have returned to a world I created in 2017. feels good to touch that topic again. #inktober2020day4 #Inktober #Radio #Inktober #inktoberday4 ??
    going to add some colour and text to this #propaganda piece after #inktober2020 is done I think. I have returned to a world I created in 2017. feels good to touch that topic again. #inktober2020day4 #Inktober #Radio #Inktober #inktoberday4 ??
    going to add some colour and text to this #propaganda piece after #inktober2020 is done I think. I have returned to a world I created in 2017. feels good to touch that topic again. #inktober2020day4 #Inktober #Radio #Inktober #inktoberday4 ??
    David Blatt@KOPF_STOFF

    #sameartist #blackandwhite #traditionalart edition. (1/4)

    #sameartist #blackandwhite #traditionalart edition. (1/4)
    #sameartist #blackandwhite #traditionalart edition. (1/4)
    #sameartist #blackandwhite #traditionalart edition. (1/4)
    #sameartist #blackandwhite #traditionalart edition. (1/4)
    David Blatt@KOPF_STOFF

    #sameartist #blackandwhite #digitalart edition. (2/4)

    #sameartist #blackandwhite #digitalart edition. (2/4)
    #sameartist #blackandwhite #digitalart edition. (2/4)
    #sameartist #blackandwhite #digitalart edition. (2/4)
    #sameartist #blackandwhite #digitalart edition. (2/4)
    David Blatt@KOPF_STOFF

    #sameartist #coloured #digitalart edition. (3/4)

    #sameartist #coloured #digitalart edition. (3/4)
    #sameartist #coloured #digitalart edition. (3/4)
    #sameartist #coloured #digitalart edition. (3/4)
    #sameartist #coloured #digitalart edition. (3/4)

