David Blatt@KOPF_STOFF

    These two. #TheLastOfUs

    These two. #TheLastOfUs
    These two. #TheLastOfUs
    These two. #TheLastOfUs
    These two. #TheLastOfUs
    David Blatt@KOPF_STOFF

    "... Scared of ending up alone." 🌿 Did this 5 years ago. Time flies. #TheLastOfUs

    "... Scared of ending up alone." 🌿
Did this 5 years ago. Time flies.
    "... Scared of ending up alone." 🌿
Did this 5 years ago. Time flies.
    "... Scared of ending up alone." 🌿
Did this 5 years ago. Time flies.
    David Blatt@KOPF_STOFF

    Some #TheFirstOfUs sketches I made about three years ago and gave away to lucky winners in the TLOU community. 🖤 #TheLastOfUs

    Some #TheFirstOfUs sketches I made about three years ago and gave away to lucky winners in the TLOU community.
🖤 #TheLastOfUs
    Some #TheFirstOfUs sketches I made about three years ago and gave away to lucky winners in the TLOU community.
🖤 #TheLastOfUs
    Some #TheFirstOfUs sketches I made about three years ago and gave away to lucky winners in the TLOU community.
🖤 #TheLastOfUs
    David Blatt@KOPF_STOFF

    "Endure & Survive" Miles Morales. ❤️ #SpiderMan #SpiderVerse

    "Endure & Survive" Miles Morales.
❤️ #SpiderMan #SpiderVerse
    David Blatt@KOPF_STOFF

    I'm taking a ride with my best friend I hope he never lets me down again He knows where he's taking me Taking me where I want to be... 🥲 #TheLastOfUsHBO #TheLastOfUs (Blue calligraphy ink on Moleskine sketchbook paper, 21cm/12cm)

    I'm taking a ride with my best friend
I hope he never lets me down again
He knows where he's taking me
Taking me where I want to be... 🥲


(Blue calligraphy ink on Moleskine sketchbook paper, 21cm/12cm)
    I'm taking a ride with my best friend
I hope he never lets me down again
He knows where he's taking me
Taking me where I want to be... 🥲


(Blue calligraphy ink on Moleskine sketchbook paper, 21cm/12cm)
    I'm taking a ride with my best friend
I hope he never lets me down again
He knows where he's taking me
Taking me where I want to be... 🥲


(Blue calligraphy ink on Moleskine sketchbook paper, 21cm/12cm)
    I'm taking a ride with my best friend
I hope he never lets me down again
He knows where he's taking me
Taking me where I want to be... 🥲


(Blue calligraphy ink on Moleskine sketchbook paper, 21cm/12cm)

