Character sheet of OC Amakusa Shin and Toramaru. Drawn by the always funky, cool guy IG@/tchujtcha オリキャラ、天草進と虎丸です!^_^
Character sheet of OC Makimura Sera. Drawn by the talented mangaka IG@/tchujtcha オリキャラ、牧村 誓愛 (まきむら せら)です!^_^
Character sheet of OC Saturn. Drawn by the coolio mangaka IG@/tchujtcha オリキャラ、サターンです!^_^
Character sheet of OC Uku Nijika. Drawn by the funk master and the talented mangaka IG@/tchujtcha オリキャラ、宇久 虹海 (うく にじか)です!^_^
Character sheet of OC Neptune. Drawn by my favorite artist IG@/tchujtcha オリキャラ、ネプチューンです!^_^