I am now changing the way I draw the eyelids

    I am now changing the way I draw the eyelids

    This is the first time I've used this resolution to make the quality of my drawings much more presentable. My phone is lagging in each stroke, but who cares? Lol

    This is the first time I've used this resolution to make the quality of my drawings much more presentable. 

My phone is lagging in each stroke, but who cares? Lol

    Of course, senpai @TheRealAberrant also made a fanart not only just kalamares but with cerdo as well! (≧▽≦) I got so excited when I recieved this picture from raf himself. I'll treasure both of these first fanarts that I got from my OC. (^ム^)

    Of course, senpai @TheRealAberrant also made a fanart not only just kalamares but with cerdo as well! (≧▽≦) I got so excited when I recieved this picture from raf himself.

I'll treasure both of these first fanarts that I got from my OC. (^ム^)


