
    quick Medic doodle

    quick Medic doodle

    Jodio sketch

    Jodio sketch

    3D printing that head model has been really useful for head studies lol (and also the sketch for the demon core Riolu thing there)

    3D printing that head model has been really useful for head studies lol

(and also the sketch for the demon core Riolu thing there)
    3D printing that head model has been really useful for head studies lol

(and also the sketch for the demon core Riolu thing there)

    Instagram, land of the stolen art. Guess which one of those posts is my actual post lol

    Instagram, land of the stolen art. Guess which one of those posts is my actual post lol

    late night drawpile session with the bois. Some highlights that I might eventually clean up if I run out of ideas lol

    late night drawpile session with the bois. Some highlights that I might eventually clean up if I run out of ideas lol
    late night drawpile session with the bois. Some highlights that I might eventually clean up if I run out of ideas lol
    late night drawpile session with the bois. Some highlights that I might eventually clean up if I run out of ideas lol
    late night drawpile session with the bois. Some highlights that I might eventually clean up if I run out of ideas lol