Peter 🐇@plumjellies

    Some sketches from this weekend x #pentagonfanart #seventeenfanart #astrofanart

    Some sketches from this weekend x
#pentagonfanart #seventeenfanart #astrofanart
    Some sketches from this weekend x
#pentagonfanart #seventeenfanart #astrofanart
    Some sketches from this weekend x
#pentagonfanart #seventeenfanart #astrofanart
    Peter 🐇@plumjellies

    VERY self indulgent drawings of Winwin (& I haven't sketched in a week so I need to keep it up better) #WayV #WayVfanart #Winwin

    VERY self indulgent drawings of Winwin (& I haven't sketched in a week so I need to keep it up better)
#WayV #WayVfanart #Winwin
    Peter 🐇@plumjellies

    I drew all 21 members of NCT/WAYV because I wanted some style practice! It was really fun to do but I'm definitely not drawing them all again for a long time. Hopefully it's sorta easy to tell who they are ?? #NCT #NCTfanart #WayV #WayVfanart #NCTdream #NCT127

    I drew all 21 members of NCT/WAYV because I wanted some style practice! It was really fun to do but I'm definitely not drawing them all again for a long time. Hopefully it's sorta easy to tell who they are ??

#NCT #NCTfanart #WayV #WayVfanart #NCTdream #NCT127
    I drew all 21 members of NCT/WAYV because I wanted some style practice! It was really fun to do but I'm definitely not drawing them all again for a long time. Hopefully it's sorta easy to tell who they are ??

#NCT #NCTfanart #WayV #WayVfanart #NCTdream #NCT127
    I drew all 21 members of NCT/WAYV because I wanted some style practice! It was really fun to do but I'm definitely not drawing them all again for a long time. Hopefully it's sorta easy to tell who they are ??

#NCT #NCTfanart #WayV #WayVfanart #NCTdream #NCT127
    Peter 🐇@plumjellies

    Some random sketches I've done of Yuta in the last month (July 19-August 20) #NCT #NCTfanart #Yuta #NCT127

    Some random sketches I've done of Yuta in the last month (July 19-August 20) #NCT #NCTfanart #Yuta #NCT127
    Some random sketches I've done of Yuta in the last month (July 19-August 20) #NCT #NCTfanart #Yuta #NCT127
    Some random sketches I've done of Yuta in the last month (July 19-August 20) #NCT #NCTfanart #Yuta #NCT127
    Some random sketches I've done of Yuta in the last month (July 19-August 20) #NCT #NCTfanart #Yuta #NCT127
    Peter 🐇@plumjellies

    Some old WayV sketches #WayV #WayVfanart

    Some old WayV sketches #WayV #WayVfanart
    Some old WayV sketches #WayV #WayVfanart