I got sick again. This is a common cold, but very severe and unpleasant. Because my throat hurts a lot. I can't focus on important things and responsibilities... But I don't want to be discouraged. I made an adorable doodle. This is for training in coloring.>> https://t.co/BPrF6mNFZK

    I got sick again. This is a common cold, but very severe and unpleasant. Because my throat hurts a lot.
I can't focus on important things and responsibilities...
But I don't want to be discouraged. I made an adorable doodle. This is for training in coloring.>> https://t.co/BPrF6mNFZK

    Back in early April, in the process of drawing one sketch, I again encountered one problem. Simply put, I needed Frisk's own concept art. 💦 I drew most of it out of sheer enthusiasm, but then I had to postpone drawing because of my diploma.>>

    Back in early April, in the process of drawing one sketch, I again encountered one problem. Simply put, I needed Frisk's own concept art. 💦
I drew most of it out of sheer enthusiasm, but then I had to postpone drawing because of my diploma.>>

    Если у меня хватило сил накалякать это на телефоне, значит у меня есть ещё силы?... Без комментариев. Я просто разбита конкретно.

    Если у меня хватило сил накалякать это на телефоне, значит у меня есть ещё силы?... Без комментариев. Я просто разбита конкретно.


    Something I really got carried away with, but I even really liked it. 🤣💦 Even though Uko is not my character, I really really wanted to draw an illustration like this. And I'm so happy with the end result. For the most part, it turned out exactly how I wanted.>>

    Something I really got carried away with, but I even really liked it. 🤣💦
Even though Uko is not my character, I really really wanted to draw an illustration like this. And I'm so happy with the end result. For the most part, it turned out exactly how I wanted.>>

