A little mayor fankid. Yes I did name her after the firefly friend. #homestuck #home22tuck
The things I make for this fandom, my lord. Here you nerds your favorite Baby Girl Alpha Bro.
Davekat date at burgerking.
Turns out last post was actually relevant. One day I'll draw normal Signless but for now we have him.
Sollux, you know the bee guy.
One of the sketches on the timelapse
I hate roblox uno #trigun
#TRIGUN do you get up?
#trigun he has been contained
Todays warm ups #trigun
@/TristampStaff please hes been through a lot, he deserves a treat. #trigun
I'm not going to be okay mentally if he strips and barks like a dog, Orange Studio. #trigun #TRIGUNSTAMEDE
Now I don't think his memory loss is that bad btw. #trigun #TRIGUNSTAMPEDE