the one good antifa woke guy, of course, understands that maga chuds are good actually. see some of my best friends are woke antifa and they don't agree with me, tatsuya ishida, on this

    the one good antifa woke guy, of course, understands that maga chuds are good actually. see some of my best friends are woke antifa and they don't agree with me, tatsuya ishida, on this
    the one good antifa woke guy, of course, understands that maga chuds are good actually. see some of my best friends are woke antifa and they don't agree with me, tatsuya ishida, on this

    dangnabbit ya ornery cotton-pickin' varmint let's stop all th' fussin' an' th' feudin!!! YeeeeeeeHAWWWW!! [throws 10 gallon hat into the air]

    dangnabbit ya ornery cotton-pickin' varmint let's stop all th' fussin' an' th' feudin!!! YeeeeeeeHAWWWW!! [throws 10 gallon hat into the air]

    took me a hot minute before i parsed out that "guilt crackers" is probably a riff on "white guilt." Not sure if socialist champagne was a meme at the time but it sounds like something that probably was. This is just Ben Garrison-level "not quite a joke but vaguely joke-like" work

    took me a hot minute before i parsed out that "guilt crackers" is probably a riff on "white guilt." Not sure if socialist champagne was a meme at the time but it sounds like something that probably was. This is just Ben Garrison-level "not quite a joke but vaguely joke-like" work

    tatsuyo's memory of the capitol riot is like this

    tatsuyo's memory of the capitol riot is like this
    tatsuyo's memory of the capitol riot is like this
    tatsuyo's memory of the capitol riot is like this

    so he's both sidesing the capitol riot... even though... there was only one side there... i mean it was just the chuds. it was only the chuds. he's trying to imply that anarchists, communists, and queers were there fighting them?

    so he's both sidesing the capitol riot... even though... there was only one side there... i mean it was just the chuds. it was only the chuds. he's trying to imply that anarchists, communists, and queers were there fighting them?

