ever 🐥🔪@lolevercelle

    show your teeth! 🏁🔍

    show your teeth! 🏁🔍
    show your teeth! 🏁🔍
    ever 🐥🔪@lolevercelle

    +2 more rkgks bc an anon asked! arcade date & postfic omake. saihara will never know peace again

    +2 more rkgks bc an anon asked! arcade date & postfic omake. saihara will never know peace again
    +2 more rkgks bc an anon asked! arcade date & postfic omake. saihara will never know peace again
    ever 🐥🔪@lolevercelle

    sometimes the best way to win a game is... actually playing it after all i guess!!! happy pocky day 🏁🔍

    sometimes the best way to win a game is... actually playing it after all i guess!!! happy pocky day 🏁🔍
    ever 🐥🔪@lolevercelle

    guess this is just my blue lock live thread now anyway god the dialogue SUPERB the bl rank is increasing!! i adore this but by rule of subversion i fully expect isagi to NOT pick bachira in the future bc he's too busy going こいつがほしい @ rin. sorry bachira

    guess this is just my blue lock live thread now
anyway god the dialogue SUPERB the bl rank is increasing!! i adore this but by rule of subversion i fully expect isagi to NOT pick bachira in the future bc he's too busy going こいつがほしい @ rin. sorry bachira
    ever 🐥🔪@lolevercelle

    im having a haunting realization

    im having a haunting realization