King Rooper@KingRooper

    @Katapult @RandleBraylon @HomeBredPacMan @ybanez_rodrigo @ironpinky @theleakymind @fyzzgiggidy Here's more~ I've got too many manga pages to work on and had to stop drawing pencil works for a while. I will draw some soon, each was done in half a day actually.

    @Katapult @RandleBraylon @HomeBredPacMan @ybanez_rodrigo @ironpinky @theleakymind @fyzzgiggidy Here's more~ I've got too many manga pages to work on and had to stop drawing pencil works for a while. I will draw some soon, each was done in half a day actually.
    @Katapult @RandleBraylon @HomeBredPacMan @ybanez_rodrigo @ironpinky @theleakymind @fyzzgiggidy Here's more~ I've got too many manga pages to work on and had to stop drawing pencil works for a while. I will draw some soon, each was done in half a day actually.
    @Katapult @RandleBraylon @HomeBredPacMan @ybanez_rodrigo @ironpinky @theleakymind @fyzzgiggidy Here's more~ I've got too many manga pages to work on and had to stop drawing pencil works for a while. I will draw some soon, each was done in half a day actually.
    King Rooper@KingRooper

    Some teasers of the unedited pages of my manga Demon City Overlords #DemonCityOverlords #mangapages #cityscenes #originalcharacter #originaldesign

    Some teasers of the unedited pages of my manga Demon City Overlords #DemonCityOverlords #mangapages #cityscenes #originalcharacter #originaldesign
    Some teasers of the unedited pages of my manga Demon City Overlords #DemonCityOverlords #mangapages #cityscenes #originalcharacter #originaldesign
    King Rooper@KingRooper

    Did this this morning and just finished the lines. Gonna go ahead strait and color my Izelmaria here~ #DemonCityOverlords #IzelmariaDunaAnmrah #DemonWaifu #overlord #waifu

    Did this this morning and just finished the lines. Gonna go ahead strait and color my Izelmaria here~
#DemonCityOverlords #IzelmariaDunaAnmrah #DemonWaifu #overlord #waifu
    King Rooper@KingRooper

    I don't care what people would say, Poison is one of the best gals in Street Fighter. She's the actual character that Cody and Guy fought in Final Fight here on the Asian version, not that skinny Mohawk dude ?. Gonna color this too. #StreetFighter #FinalFight #Poison #bikini

    I don't care what people would say, Poison is one of the best gals in Street Fighter. She's the actual character that Cody and Guy fought in Final Fight here on the Asian version, not that skinny Mohawk dude ?. Gonna color this too.
#StreetFighter #FinalFight #Poison #bikini
    King Rooper@KingRooper

    I was pretty devastated about hearing Anthony Bourdain's death. I am a huge fan of him for years. But the world must move on. I was listening to Julie London's Cry Me A River. Singing away my blues. Man, nothing beats the original singer. #mangapages #demoncityoverlords.

    I was pretty devastated about hearing Anthony Bourdain's death. I am a huge fan of him for years. But the world must move on. I was listening to Julie London's Cry Me A River. Singing away my blues. Man, nothing beats the original singer.
#mangapages #demoncityoverlords.


