Jamie Green@jamiegreenillus

    Cover reveal for Irene Latham's middle-grade dystopian novel D-39! @charlesbridge Thanks to @chadwbecks for the project and Cathleen Schaad for direction. ???

    Cover reveal for Irene Latham's middle-grade dystopian novel D-39! @charlesbridge Thanks to @chadwbecks for the project and Cathleen Schaad for direction. ???
    Cover reveal for Irene Latham's middle-grade dystopian novel D-39! @charlesbridge Thanks to @chadwbecks for the project and Cathleen Schaad for direction. ???
    Cover reveal for Irene Latham's middle-grade dystopian novel D-39! @charlesbridge Thanks to @chadwbecks for the project and Cathleen Schaad for direction. ???
    Cover reveal for Irene Latham's middle-grade dystopian novel D-39! @charlesbridge Thanks to @chadwbecks for the project and Cathleen Schaad for direction. ???
    Jamie Green@jamiegreenillus

    Some of my favorite pieces from 2020 plus a little transformation ??

    Some of my favorite pieces from 2020 plus a little transformation ??
    Some of my favorite pieces from 2020 plus a little transformation ??
    Jamie Green@jamiegreenillus

    Been posting all my sketchbook work on patreon, so I rarely share it publicly anymore. Here is a collage of a couple pages!

    Been posting all my sketchbook work on patreon, so I rarely share it publicly anymore. Here is a collage of a couple pages!
    Jamie Green@jamiegreenillus

    And the four that did not make the cut

    And the four that did not make the cut
    And the four that did not make the cut
    And the four that did not make the cut
    And the four that did not make the cut
    Jamie Green@jamiegreenillus

    Ultramarine blue is feeling pretty good to me right now

    Ultramarine blue is feeling pretty good to me right now
    Ultramarine blue is feeling pretty good to me right now

