full thing on my patreon 😳 https://t.co/tUFlidiGrg

    full thing on my patreon 😳 https://t.co/tUFlidiGrg

    it brings me back to Islands, a zine I did which also explored outer gods, the Moons, which fell upon a commune of islanders, who then had to depart from their original beliefs (the Sea Gods) and the process of their reconciliation.

    it brings me back to Islands, a zine I did which also explored outer gods, the Moons, which fell upon a commune of islanders, who then had to depart from their original beliefs (the Sea Gods) and the process of their reconciliation.
    it brings me back to Islands, a zine I did which also explored outer gods, the Moons, which fell upon a commune of islanders, who then had to depart from their original beliefs (the Sea Gods) and the process of their reconciliation.
    it brings me back to Islands, a zine I did which also explored outer gods, the Moons, which fell upon a commune of islanders, who then had to depart from their original beliefs (the Sea Gods) and the process of their reconciliation.

    okay, finally got time to reply to emails….lesgo

    okay, finally got time to reply to emails….lesgo

    Very, very excited to be a part of this, do check out the full preview of the story I'm contributing along with the other artists as well at the page! (and do considering backing it up too 😳⚗️) https://t.co/Nljd5VnxfE

    Very, very excited to be a part of this, do check out the full preview of the story I'm contributing along with the other artists as well at the page! (and do considering backing it up too 😳⚗️) https://t.co/Nljd5VnxfE

