The Vegapunk of Hyenas@Yeenie_Mcbeenie

    Twilight fans tend to be methodical fighters. They've probably won the battle before it's even begun. Think Anton from No Country For Old Man.

    Twilight fans tend to be methodical fighters. They've probably won the battle before it's even begun. Think Anton from No Country For Old Man.
    The Vegapunk of Hyenas@Yeenie_Mcbeenie

    That said, the memes are funny. Keep making them. If nothing else, I'm glad I know some people actually checked out The Wall thanks to it. It's a good movie.

    That said, the memes are funny. Keep making them. If nothing else, I'm glad I know some people actually checked out The Wall thanks to it. It's a good movie.
    That said, the memes are funny. Keep making them. If nothing else, I'm glad I know some people actually checked out The Wall thanks to it. It's a good movie.
    That said, the memes are funny. Keep making them. If nothing else, I'm glad I know some people actually checked out The Wall thanks to it. It's a good movie.
    That said, the memes are funny. Keep making them. If nothing else, I'm glad I know some people actually checked out The Wall thanks to it. It's a good movie.
    The Vegapunk of Hyenas@Yeenie_Mcbeenie

    Look at the (pre-DLC) LGBT romance options for Fire Emblem Three Houses if you don't see what I mean.

    Look at the (pre-DLC) LGBT romance options for Fire Emblem Three Houses if you don't see what I mean.
    The Vegapunk of Hyenas@Yeenie_Mcbeenie

    Oh god

    Oh god
    The Vegapunk of Hyenas@Yeenie_Mcbeenie

    >mother was killed >never knew father >lived alone his whole life >only friends killed by mother's killer >ending is literally him crying "aRaKi OnLy CrEaTeD eMpRiO fOr ChIlD rEaDeRs!"

    >mother was killed 
>never knew father
>lived alone his whole life
>only friends killed by mother's killer
>ending is literally him crying
"aRaKi OnLy CrEaTeD eMpRiO fOr ChIlD rEaDeRs!"