
    I hate it when this happens to me 😭😭😭 I'm procastinating again cuz I've been feeling a bit too overwhelmed again and it's affecting my mental health I-

    I hate it when this happens to me 😭😭😭
I'm procastinating again cuz I've been feeling a bit too overwhelmed again and it's affecting my mental health I-
    I hate it when this happens to me 😭😭😭
I'm procastinating again cuz I've been feeling a bit too overwhelmed again and it's affecting my mental health I-
    I hate it when this happens to me 😭😭😭
I'm procastinating again cuz I've been feeling a bit too overwhelmed again and it's affecting my mental health I-

    I was actually told by a number of people that my cheeks are chubby. I remember when I was little, there's this one girl, who I didn't even know, just aggressively pinched my cheeks for a few mins while saying "So cute~!!" to me.

    I was actually told by a number of people that my cheeks are chubby. I remember when I was little, there's this one girl, who I didn't even know, just aggressively pinched my cheeks for a few mins while saying "So cute~!!" to me.

    A time where baby kanae prepares his halloween costume👶🎃🧛‍♂️ #かな絵 #KuzuArt #くろのあとりえ

    A time where baby kanae prepares his halloween costume👶🎃🧛‍♂️
#かな絵 #KuzuArt #くろのあとりえ
    A time where baby kanae prepares his halloween costume👶🎃🧛‍♂️
#かな絵 #KuzuArt #くろのあとりえ

    Sketch Final

    Sketch                                           Final
    Sketch                                           Final



