apple [🍏🎨]@thematchalight

    #OCeptember Day 10: Obscure Facts. I'm strangely averse to things like baby name websites and the like, so a lot of my characters' names are checked after the fact. For Manda and James things worked out pretty smoothly!

    #OCeptember Day 10: Obscure Facts. I'm strangely averse to things like baby name websites and the like, so a lot of my characters' names are checked after the fact.  For Manda and James things worked out pretty smoothly!
    #OCeptember Day 10: Obscure Facts. I'm strangely averse to things like baby name websites and the like, so a lot of my characters' names are checked after the fact.  For Manda and James things worked out pretty smoothly!
    #OCeptember Day 10: Obscure Facts. I'm strangely averse to things like baby name websites and the like, so a lot of my characters' names are checked after the fact.  For Manda and James things worked out pretty smoothly!
    apple [🍏🎨]@thematchalight

    #OCeptember Day 13: What's (in) their bag! My kids did not have bags before today. I have no idea what's in their bags yet but I have now decided what kind of bags they have. Jade is suffering because of their capelet, but will manage.

    #OCeptember Day 13: What's (in) their bag! My kids did not have bags before today.  I have no idea what's in their bags yet but I have now decided what kind of bags they have. Jade is suffering because of their capelet, but will manage.
    #OCeptember Day 13: What's (in) their bag! My kids did not have bags before today.  I have no idea what's in their bags yet but I have now decided what kind of bags they have. Jade is suffering because of their capelet, but will manage.
    apple [🍏🎨]@thematchalight

    #OCeptember Day 14: Fairytale or Myth AU. Based on The Boy Who Wanted More Cheese, a Dutch folktale that seemed silly and fun to put Benze in. I'm half Dutch half Estonian so I wanted to use something relevant to my own family history!

    #OCeptember Day 14: Fairytale or Myth AU.
Based on The Boy Who Wanted More Cheese, a Dutch folktale that seemed silly and fun to put Benze in. I'm half Dutch half Estonian so I wanted to use something relevant to my own family history!
    #OCeptember Day 14: Fairytale or Myth AU.
Based on The Boy Who Wanted More Cheese, a Dutch folktale that seemed silly and fun to put Benze in. I'm half Dutch half Estonian so I wanted to use something relevant to my own family history!
    apple [🍏🎨]@thematchalight

    @shuttlefrog #OCeptember Day 27: Crackship. A Giant Frog, Jade, do pay attention.

    @shuttlefrog #OCeptember Day 27: Crackship.  A Giant Frog, Jade, do pay attention.
    @shuttlefrog #OCeptember Day 27: Crackship.  A Giant Frog, Jade, do pay attention.
    @shuttlefrog #OCeptember Day 27: Crackship.  A Giant Frog, Jade, do pay attention.
    apple [🍏🎨]@thematchalight

    Perspective/characters in environment practice, all from the same 2vp perspective ruler. Complete linear perspective is so stiff!! I always end up curving things a bit because I set my vps fairly close.

    Perspective/characters in environment practice, all from the same 2vp perspective ruler.  Complete linear perspective is so stiff!! I always end up curving things a bit because I set my vps fairly close.
    Perspective/characters in environment practice, all from the same 2vp perspective ruler.  Complete linear perspective is so stiff!! I always end up curving things a bit because I set my vps fairly close.
    Perspective/characters in environment practice, all from the same 2vp perspective ruler.  Complete linear perspective is so stiff!! I always end up curving things a bit because I set my vps fairly close.

