

    benchtrio sketches currently i am miserable and cannot draw without pain with no clear reason: here is what i did while being in pain and fear of irrelevancy

    benchtrio sketches currently i am miserable and cannot draw without pain with no clear reason: here is what i did while being in pain and fear of irrelevancy
    benchtrio sketches currently i am miserable and cannot draw without pain with no clear reason: here is what i did while being in pain and fear of irrelevancy
    benchtrio sketches currently i am miserable and cannot draw without pain with no clear reason: here is what i did while being in pain and fear of irrelevancy

    / c!tommy hurt death exile i had this idea for a ghostbur comic where the goddes of death finds him and makes him her apprentice/helper, but i got lazy so i only sketched like three pages.

    / c!tommy hurt death exile

i had this idea for a ghostbur comic where the goddes of death finds him and makes him her apprentice/helper, but i got lazy so i only sketched like three pages.
    / c!tommy hurt death exile

i had this idea for a ghostbur comic where the goddes of death finds him and makes him her apprentice/helper, but i got lazy so i only sketched like three pages.
    / c!tommy hurt death exile

i had this idea for a ghostbur comic where the goddes of death finds him and makes him her apprentice/helper, but i got lazy so i only sketched like three pages.
    / c!tommy hurt death exile

i had this idea for a ghostbur comic where the goddes of death finds him and makes him her apprentice/helper, but i got lazy so i only sketched like three pages.