#AAI2spoilers I'm still sad over him dying in case 2, so therefore jokes as a coping mechanism


I'm still sad over him dying in case 2, so therefore jokes as a coping mechanism

I'm still sad over him dying in case 2, so therefore jokes as a coping mechanism

    oh no

    oh no
    oh no
    oh no

    a while back I joked that I could do that Face Your Art challenge just with simon drawings, so I... did. news at eight, local artist still gets her ass handed to her by clown twink

    a while back I joked that I could do that Face Your Art challenge just with simon drawings, so I... did. news at eight, local artist still gets her ass handed to her by clown twink

    tagged on this by @ushas42 so why not get a bit personal! @Anonymous_Fame @lemedah @polygonndust @NihhonVargas @catchaspark_ @lambergeier @mitsurugay annnnd anyone else who wants to do this

    tagged on this by @ushas42 so why not get a bit personal!
@Anonymous_Fame @lemedah @polygonndust @NihhonVargas @catchaspark_ @lambergeier @mitsurugay annnnd anyone else who wants to do this
    tagged on this by @ushas42 so why not get a bit personal!
@Anonymous_Fame @lemedah @polygonndust @NihhonVargas @catchaspark_ @lambergeier @mitsurugay annnnd anyone else who wants to do this
    tagged on this by @ushas42 so why not get a bit personal!
@Anonymous_Fame @lemedah @polygonndust @NihhonVargas @catchaspark_ @lambergeier @mitsurugay annnnd anyone else who wants to do this
    tagged on this by @ushas42 so why not get a bit personal!
@Anonymous_Fame @lemedah @polygonndust @NihhonVargas @catchaspark_ @lambergeier @mitsurugay annnnd anyone else who wants to do this

    some assorted sketches and drawerings of them that I don't think I ever posted? the last one is just lem making me lose my last remaining brain cell by barging into my DMs one day with a "sanna do you think horace has ink"

    some assorted sketches and drawerings of them that I don't think I ever posted?

the last one is just lem making me lose my last remaining brain cell by barging into my DMs one day with a "sanna do you think horace has ink"
    some assorted sketches and drawerings of them that I don't think I ever posted?

the last one is just lem making me lose my last remaining brain cell by barging into my DMs one day with a "sanna do you think horace has ink"
    some assorted sketches and drawerings of them that I don't think I ever posted?

the last one is just lem making me lose my last remaining brain cell by barging into my DMs one day with a "sanna do you think horace has ink"
    some assorted sketches and drawerings of them that I don't think I ever posted?

the last one is just lem making me lose my last remaining brain cell by barging into my DMs one day with a "sanna do you think horace has ink"

