I never got around to finishing this as a comic, so have some doodles of the simons (whom I love) discussing a certain detective (whom I also love)

    I never got around to finishing this as a comic, so have some doodles of the simons (whom I love) discussing a certain detective (whom I also love)
    I never got around to finishing this as a comic, so have some doodles of the simons (whom I love) discussing a certain detective (whom I also love)
    I never got around to finishing this as a comic, so have some doodles of the simons (whom I love) discussing a certain detective (whom I also love)
    I never got around to finishing this as a comic, so have some doodles of the simons (whom I love) discussing a certain detective (whom I also love)

    dnd backstory stuff ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_ local bush man discovers sorcerers aren't the only ones who can do wild magic surges; is absolutely enamored but for all the wrong reasons

    dnd backstory stuff ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
local bush man discovers sorcerers aren't the only ones who can do wild magic surges; is absolutely enamored but for all the wrong reasons
    dnd backstory stuff ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
local bush man discovers sorcerers aren't the only ones who can do wild magic surges; is absolutely enamored but for all the wrong reasons
    dnd backstory stuff ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
local bush man discovers sorcerers aren't the only ones who can do wild magic surges; is absolutely enamored but for all the wrong reasons

    during a hiatus in dnd I wrote a modern AU for them, in which loon is a vocational backpacker and nemo runs a horse farm and a yurt hostel and still, only one of them is capable of handling responsibilities like an adult

    during a hiatus in dnd I wrote a modern AU for them, in which loon is a vocational backpacker and nemo runs a horse farm and a yurt hostel
and still, only one of them is capable of handling responsibilities like an adult
    during a hiatus in dnd I wrote a modern AU for them, in which loon is a vocational backpacker and nemo runs a horse farm and a yurt hostel
and still, only one of them is capable of handling responsibilities like an adult
    during a hiatus in dnd I wrote a modern AU for them, in which loon is a vocational backpacker and nemo runs a horse farm and a yurt hostel
and still, only one of them is capable of handling responsibilities like an adult

    ep 4: things take a turn for the dramatic when io has a strange dream, loon runs into an old friend, and two of the party members get into a fight

    ep 4: things take a turn for the dramatic when io has a strange dream, loon runs into an old friend, and two of the party members get into a fight
    ep 4: things take a turn for the dramatic when io has a strange dream, loon runs into an old friend, and two of the party members get into a fight
    ep 4: things take a turn for the dramatic when io has a strange dream, loon runs into an old friend, and two of the party members get into a fight
    ep 4: things take a turn for the dramatic when io has a strange dream, loon runs into an old friend, and two of the party members get into a fight

    character creation guides: you can root your characters in reality and ease into roleplaying by giving them traits you share with them me: cool, he's now an avid fan of fantasy elton john

    character creation guides: you can root your characters in reality and ease into roleplaying by giving them traits you share with them
me: cool, he's now an avid fan of fantasy elton john

