Saly « And more »@LockheartSaly

    Doing colors is so hard for my brain so sometimes in the middle of the process I put everything in grayscale to check the values. It makes it a bit easier, just a tiny bit lol.

    Doing colors is so hard for my brain so sometimes in the middle of the process I put everything in grayscale to check the values. It makes it a bit easier, just a tiny bit lol.
    Doing colors is so hard for my brain so sometimes in the middle of the process I put everything in grayscale to check the values. It makes it a bit easier, just a tiny bit lol.
    Saly « And more »@LockheartSaly

    Working on this for a bit today, join me on Twitch^^ Link in the tweet below 👇👇

    Working on this for a bit today, join me on Twitch^^
Link in the tweet below 👇👇
    Saly « And more »@LockheartSaly

    Here's a better look at the whole page. I'll finish the background tomorrow ^^

    Here's a better look at the whole page. I'll finish the background tomorrow ^^
    Saly « And more »@LockheartSaly

    Ink and color practice on a Daredevil page^^ Pencil by Manuel Garcia

    Ink and color practice on a Daredevil page^^
Pencil by Manuel Garcia
    Ink and color practice on a Daredevil page^^
Pencil by Manuel Garcia
    Ink and color practice on a Daredevil page^^
Pencil by Manuel Garcia
    Saly « And more »@LockheartSaly