These pics are all squished but at least you can see what I've been up to! I don't have the guy on twitter but I'm working on this character a lot for another student's upcoming short film hoho

    These pics are all squished but at least you can see what I've been up to! I don't have the guy on twitter but I'm working on this character a lot for another student's upcoming short film hoho
    These pics are all squished but at least you can see what I've been up to! I don't have the guy on twitter but I'm working on this character a lot for another student's upcoming short film hoho
    These pics are all squished but at least you can see what I've been up to! I don't have the guy on twitter but I'm working on this character a lot for another student's upcoming short film hoho
    These pics are all squished but at least you can see what I've been up to! I don't have the guy on twitter but I'm working on this character a lot for another student's upcoming short film hoho

    Some robots

    Some robots
    Some robots
    Some robots

    i like this lion character I came up with for this assignment

    i like this lion character I came up with for this assignment



    Decided her name is Lila! not sure if it should be pronounced like Lai-lah or Lee-lah but i guess whatever catches on is what it'll be! I like her color scheme ~ and her overall anatomy design was influenced by digimon lol!

    Decided her name is Lila! not sure if it should be pronounced like Lai-lah or Lee-lah but i guess whatever catches on is what it'll be!

I like her color scheme ~ and her overall anatomy design was influenced by digimon lol!
    Decided her name is Lila! not sure if it should be pronounced like Lai-lah or Lee-lah but i guess whatever catches on is what it'll be!

I like her color scheme ~ and her overall anatomy design was influenced by digimon lol!