Sample of a #FEH comic commissioned over ko-fi I'm open to do more, with pricing set in the replies

    Sample of a #FEH  comic commissioned over ko-fi

I'm open to do more, with pricing set in the replies

    I also do sketch doodles on my ko-fi

    I also do sketch doodles on my ko-fi

    Back on my feet, and back on the art Here's a quickie

    Back on my feet, and back on the art

Here's a quickie

    @SirDusterBuster @MrZonian @ItsameWario48 @CrimiiCrim @Starbitz_ @Thinginator90 @Quickalas @TiniestTurtles Hell yeah bois

    @SirDusterBuster @MrZonian @ItsameWario48 @CrimiiCrim @Starbitz_ @Thinginator90 @Quickalas @TiniestTurtles Hell yeah bois

    Finished comic commission for @surfsuppikachu, featuring their OC Liev and his griffon Paladin! Had a lot of fun, first time making an animal emote and my first time drawing a griffon to boot. #FireEmblemThreeHouses #FE3Houses #Fodlansona

    Finished comic commission for @surfsuppikachu, featuring their OC Liev and his griffon Paladin!

Had a lot of fun, first time making an animal emote and my first time drawing a griffon to boot.

#FireEmblemThreeHouses #FE3Houses #Fodlansona
    Finished comic commission for @surfsuppikachu, featuring their OC Liev and his griffon Paladin!

Had a lot of fun, first time making an animal emote and my first time drawing a griffon to boot.

#FireEmblemThreeHouses #FE3Houses #Fodlansona
    Finished comic commission for @surfsuppikachu, featuring their OC Liev and his griffon Paladin!

Had a lot of fun, first time making an animal emote and my first time drawing a griffon to boot.

#FireEmblemThreeHouses #FE3Houses #Fodlansona

