WIP for a few of my fav competitors from #ExcaliburExperiment (i love them all tho)

    WIP for a few of my fav competitors from #ExcaliburExperiment (i love them all tho)

    Hopping on the train of designing a 2000s DA-inspired OC So I redesigned one of my 2000s DA OCs, Finki

    Hopping on the train of designing a 2000s DA-inspired OC

So I redesigned one of my 2000s DA OCs, Finki

    worth it to stay up till 4 am drawing the dance scene from the Bob's Burger movie

    worth it to stay up till 4 am drawing the dance scene from the Bob's Burger movie
    worth it to stay up till 4 am drawing the dance scene from the Bob's Burger movie
    worth it to stay up till 4 am drawing the dance scene from the Bob's Burger movie
    worth it to stay up till 4 am drawing the dance scene from the Bob's Burger movie

    There are planets she can't visit for reasons. The worst kind - romantic ones.

    There are planets she can't visit for reasons. The worst kind - romantic ones.

    Almost forget that Tseng's supposed to be menacing and shit - so here's part of his hypothetical intro in my webcomic

    Almost forget that Tseng's supposed to be menacing and shit - so here's part of his hypothetical intro in my webcomic

