Work in progress♥️ trying to push my comfort zone and practice with backgrounds since they're one of my biggest struggles!
Unicorn skull and my favorite plant, monstera albo♥️ I just ordered a few stickers of this painting that should arrive next week!
Work in progress♥️ trying to push my comfort zone and practice with backgrounds since they're one of my biggest struggles!
Got a new design in my online shop (link in bio!) Die-cut and clear options available♥️
I love how goofy cats can look while grooming
Coffee tiger? Coffee tiger. (AKA Nilakshi latte version)
I was told I draw Nilakshi too much so here's another sketch of him✨
WIP of my little Blue💙
Rough sketch of my girl, Aaruni🤍 (Nilakshi's sister)
This single post made me draw my first ever bearThe internet is too damn powerful(Enjoy the LQ preview)
angry car
School is stressful so here's a cute Nilakshi