Here's my design variant for WORLD'S TEEN TITANS #5, featuring 's great design for BUMBLEBEE!
Superman & Superman.
It was all so I could do this.
I mean I've got a bunch of these just sitting around.
I started this on Valentine's Day, then forgot about it. So here it is for you, now. Happy March 8th.
Color study with the Maid of Might. #supergirl
I missed the boat on this the first time they were going around, so Spidersona GO
Today makes 15 years married to my favorite person, . I drew her on a pizza box. #romance #smooth
Here's my design variant for WORLD'S TEEN TITANS #5, featuring 's great design for BUMBLEBEE!
A leftover Batman from Phoenix that I was playing around with. 9x12, $200 if you want it, shoot me an email- evantshaner at gmail.